Year 2020/2021

During the 2021 financial year, the company received grants, contributions or cash aid, not of a general nature and without a consideration, salary or compensation nature, from public administrations and from subjects referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 125, of art. . 1, of Law 124/2017 according to the following:

Euro 7,250 for operating grant for the Prato Chamber of Commerce tender "I4.0 digital contributions" issued by the Prato Chamber of Commerce on 15 February 2021.

-Euro 51,749.93 operating contribution from the Energy Services Manager - GSE SpA sole shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance Legislative Decree 79/99 for the incentives of the "fourth energy account" year 2011 for the photovoltaic system, sums received by monthly bank transfers throughout the year 2021 (agreement P091236005807).

 Euro 1,668 operating grant to the granting body Unioncamere for the registration of European and international trademarks – tender for trademarks+3 issued by Unioncamere on 14 May 2021.

Euro 4,481.78 operating grant Granting body Fondimpresa for inter-professional funds for continuous training. State aid exempted pursuant to EC regulation n.651/2014 and under the de minimis regime pursuant to EC regulation 1407/2013 – TRAINING project with additional contribution. Delivered on 06/30/2021.

Euro 9,000 for a contribution to the plant account in the form of a tax credit pursuant to art. 1, paragraphs 1051 and following of Law 178/2020, relating to the purchase of new capital goods

Euro 19,147 COVID contribution art. 1  Sostegni Bis Decree issued directly by the Revenue Agency with direct credit on 31 December 2021.

Euro 36,680.94 contribution in the form of a tax credit for "Research & Development aimed at defining and creating innovative ecologically sustainable products" activities carried out in the year 2021, with reference to law 27/12/2019 n. 160 State budget for the year 2020 and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2020-2022, amended by law 30.12.2020 nr.178 as well as extended by art. 1 c 45 of Law 234/2021.

Euro 1991.20 tax credit for investments made in capital goods on the basis of the interministerial decree of 25 January 2016 (Nuova Sabatini)

It should be noted that the company benefited from the implementation measure: provisions regarding the payment of IRAP equal to 1,710 euros. Competent authority Ministry of Economy and Finance. Grant date 03/12/2021.

 The company has also received from the Energy Services Manager - GSE SpA sole shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, by bank transfer, Euro 3,154 as a contribution for invoicing on the spot exchange account resolution Arg/elt n.74/08 (agreement SSP00218861).

Year 2019/2020

During the 2019 financial year, the company received grants, contributions or cash aid, not of a general nature and without consideration, remuneration or compensation, for € 70,285 from the public administrations and from subjects referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 125 of the art.1, of Law 124/2017 according to the following:

€ 38,464.63 from the Energy Services Manager - GSE SpA sole shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance Legislative Decree 79/99 for the incentives of the "fourth energy account" year 2011 for the photovoltaic system, sums paid by bank transfers monthly throughout the year 2019 (agreement P091236005807) € 27,559.80 FROM Sviluppo Toscana SpA (Regione Toscana) for the contribution POR FESR 2014-2020 Action 1.1.2, support for SMEs for the acquisition of services for innovation, paid by bank transfer received on 06 November 2019. (link to DIGITAL INNOVATION AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) € 4,260.90 from Fondimpresa as a contribution for continuous training, cup G53B18001820008, (regulation for interprofessional funds for continuous training) paid by bank transfer on 14 February 2019.

During the 2020 financial year, the company received grants, contributions or cash aid, not of a general nature and without a consideration, salary or compensation nature, from public administrations and from subjects referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 125, of art. . 1, of Law 124/2017 according to the following:

Euro 554 for an operating grant in the form of a sanitation tax credit pursuant to art. 125 of Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 (so-called "Relaunch Decree").

Euro 45,629 from the Energy Services Manager - GSE SpA sole shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance Legislative Decree 79/99 for the incentives of the "fourth energy account" year 2011 for the photovoltaic system, sums received by means of monthly bank transfers in course for the whole year 2020 (agreement P091236005807).

Euo 3.005 Disbursing body Ministry of Economic Development for the contribution Voucher Digitization of SMEs received by bank transfer on 17 February 2020.

It should be noted that the company has benefited from the provision envisaged by art. 24 of Legislative Decree 34/2020 (so-called "Relaunch Decree") by means of which it was possible to omit the payment of the IRAP balance for the year 2019, equal to 1,710 euros and also received from the Energy Services Manager - GSE SpA sole shareholder Ministry of the Economy and Finance, by bank transfers, 3,077 euros as a contribution for invoicing on the spot exchange account resolution Arg/elt n.74/08 (agreement SSP00218861).